Step 1--Blow up the balloon half way.
Step 2-- The Nose. Start at the knot (1) twist a 3 to 4-inch bubble.
Make sure you hold on to both ends of balloon, otherwise it will untwist.
Step 3--While holding on to the twisted balloon, make another bubble the same size.
( 2 ) This will be the ear. Do not let go.
Step 4--Make another balloon bubble the same size ( 3 ) This is the other ear.
Step 5--Lock twist balloon joints 2 & 3 together. Twist 2 or 4 times all the way around.
Step 6--Now for the neck. Twist a 2 to 3 inch bubble ( 4)
Step 7--Let's make the legs. Twist a 2 to 3-inch bubble. ( 5 )
Step 8--Second leg Twist a 2 to 3-inch bubble. ( 6 ) Lock twist those two parts together.
just like you did with the ear
Step 9-- Make a body ( 7 ) by determining the size you want it and leaving enough room to make the back legs
Step 10...Make the legs like you did the front legs ( 8 & 9 )
The remaining balloon is the tail of your dog..