We wanted to share some of these simple jokes so you and your grandchildren can
laugh and giggle all-day
My granddaughter's favorite joke
Knock, Knock... Who's there? Who...Who. Who?
What are you an owl?
What insect can be spelled with just one letter? Bee.
Knock, knock... Who's there? B.C... B.C. who?
B.C'ing you soon !
What did the spider do on the computer? He made a web site!
When does " b " come after " U " When you take some of it's honey
"It was really hard for me to stop doing the Hokey-Pokey." Grand Child;
"How did you do it?"
Grandparent; " I just turned myself around."
What is the difference between "Boogers" and Broccoli? Kids won't eat Broccoli!!!
Hold your index finger up and ask. Do you know why you can't use this finger?
Why? Because it's mine.
What did my left eye say to the right eye?
Between us, something smells!
When does the alphabet only have 24 letters?
When U and I aren't there.
What happened when 19 and 20 got into a fight? Twenty-one (won)